The Warehouse Group

The Warehouse Group (TWG) is New Zealand’s biggest retailer, with Australasia’s largest distribution centre.


TWG have recently implemented a new Warehouse Management System (WMS). Tens of thousands of products move through this distribution centre every day. The new WMS is heavily reliant on accurate product data and will not work if the product dimension data is inaccurate. Pallets are literally left on the floor and cannot be moved unless the data is correct.  

TWG had major data quality problems with inaccurate product data jamming up their new $30 million Warehouse Management System (WMS). The WMS requires near perfect data quality; it was near 0%.

Occam has developed an information system for TWG to provide accurate product data for the WMS. The Occam implementation for TWG unifies data from three source systems and two IoT machines. It then returns accurate data to one source system which in turn updates the WMS.


Occam unified data from three major systems, adding around 50 additional business processes. We then integrated data from the WMS with Cubiscan dimension machines and RF Guns, creating a fully integrated data system that worked seamlessly.​ Rules were applied against each product record in relation to the Product Class. Data that is proven to be correct is sent via API to the Product MDM.

A proof of concept was created in less than one day and tested in the distribution centre the following day. Approval by the senior leadership team was given in week 2, with go live the following week. Ongoing iterations have been happening ever since.


Go live for Australasia’s largest WMS project was successful with validated data at 95%+ 

Products flow through the distribution centre unencumbered by data problems. Thousands of new products arrive every month and are processed through the Occam workflow ensuring the best utilisation of distribution space.

Since go live, Occam has added additional value by providing referential integrity between the source systems, ensuring they remain synchronized. Occam therefore supports the smooth running of the supply chain with more than 99% compliance of products moving through the distribution centre.



Integrate unstructured files and legacy systems into a streamlined data stack.


Maintain the accuracy and relevance of your data with ease.


Empower your decisions with accurate, structured, and unified data.